The Department of Fine Arts at Government College of Education, Chandigarh is committed to professional training of Education in the Teaching of Fine arts. Students choose this subject from a diverse group of electives and here we provide an opportunity to develop their skills academically and professionally through a wide variety of educational programs, seminars, Competitions and resources. Regular interaction between the Pupil teachers and the classroom creates a close relationship between them which further develops critical thinking and creative growth among them.
The department's courses aim to instill an understanding of and appreciation for the art history, Teaching methodology and their contributions to the growth and development of Present Education system. Most of the lessons are taught with the use of smart class education system which enables the students to access the information and communication technology tools in the form of laptop and Projector. The presentation of various topics on a wide screen using software like PowerPoint presentations, Coral draw, Photoshop, etc has motivated the students to be a part of Art activities, seminars, attend visiting lectures, demonstrations, and exhibitions to be familiar with and also develop competency in making a variety of teaching aids, using different methodologies, and other teaching and learning material.
The core of teaching and learning process in art department is to make student understand and evaluate contemporary thinking about art, exposure with modern technology. We strive for more intimate learning experience that engages students in personal discovery. The result presents s distinguished alumni roster which include, scholars and artists who have made remarkable contributions in the field of art education.